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Why are ethers essential?

To meet the progressively tighter emission standards as the legislation has developed, automakers have improved vehicle technologies. Aligning higher quality fuel with improved vehicle technology ensure reduced emissions from motor vehicles.

To reduce well-to-wheel CO2 emissions

Compared to non-oxygenated gasolines, fuel ethers deliver up to 19% CO2 emissions reduction well-to-wheel.


Ethers deliver up to 19% CO2 emissions
reduction well-to-wheel.

Ethers help reduce up to 17% particulate matter
Ethers help reduce up to 25% VOCs

To lower VOC emissions and prevent air pollution

Ethers help reduce up to 17% particulate matter and 25% VOC compared to non-oxygenated gasolines.
ETBE has a low blending vapour pressure, which helps reduce the gasoline’s vapour pressure and evaporative emissions of smog precursors and toxic air contaminants

To extend the lifetime of petrol and hybrid engines

Reducing fuel consumption while sustaining the durability of petrol and hybrid engines.

Fuel ethers are high-quality octane boosters that extend the durability of the vehicle’s engine. Their high-octane rating helps reduce engine knock and results in better fuel efficiency.

  |  About oxygenates

What are oxygenates?

  |  Commonly used ethers

Which are the most commonly used fuel ethers?

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